“SHOOTING STAR” Chapter XXIII – Let’s Ride

LOCATION: Phoenix, Arizona (downtown)

Tommy wakes up around 6am from his long restful night and reaches over to his right with his right arm and feels nothing but sheets.  He moves his arm up and down to feel for Sandra, but nothing but cool sheets brushes along his palms.  He opens his eyes and turns his head towards her last location in the bed and doesn’t see her there.  He gets up and has one leg hanging out of the bed and starts to wonder where she could be.  He reaches over to his dresser next to his bed and grabs the remote control for the television and turns it on.  The channel and time shows up on the screen for a few seconds and then they both disappear.  He suddenly gets a cold chill running through his body and rushes over to the air conditioning unit to turn it off.  Then he sees the bathroom door closed and the light on and figures she might be in there, but she has been in there for a while.  The light turns off and the door opens and they meet at the door with Sandra in uniform ready for work.

Tommy looks at her and glances her up and down and begins to form his mouth to ask a question, but she seem to realize what was going to be said so she cuts him off at the verbal path.

SANDRA: I know what you are going to say Tommy.  Why am I working on a Saturday?  Well, if you must know I am being looked at as a new team leader so I need to go in today to be up to date on policy and other important things for the job.

TOMMY: Well, okay, but its been a long time since I’ve seen you in uniform or in anyone’s uniform for that matter.

SANDRA: She glances down and sees a tent forming through his boxers and has the quick idea of teasing him before she exits.  She walks up closer and rubs his bare chest and stomach down to his waist.  I remember that you like seeing me in a cheerleading outfit.  Just before you walked up to me in the cafeteria I saw you rearranging yourself.  It was quite cute I must say.

TOMMY: Don’t start anything that you can’t finish right now.  We’ve both been under enormous amount of stress and it has been a while since we both have, ummm….done that.

SANDRA: Oh Tommy are you getting a little frustrated? She smiles up at him in his brown eyes.  It has been a while hasn’t it, but when the world changes in front of your eyes that is the last thing on your mind.

TOMMY: Well, then I may have to take you up on that later when you get back from work.  I have other things to keep me occupied here until I see you later.

SANDRA: Okay I will remember you said that to me later on.  See you later Tommy.  Have a good day sweetie.

Tommy watches her as she walks away in her white Nike sneakers, with pink and black outlining the stitches, black stockings showing the athletic form of her legs, a black skirt that goes down to her knees, and a white and red stripe blouse that has ‘Gross-Out’ embroidered on the right upper chest, and her name on the left side.  Poor Tommy watches her all the way to the door until she leaves and is out of sight.  He walks over to the bed and sits down and leans back on the pillows stacked behind him.  Pulls the covers up to his waist and begins to watch television, which is the first time he has been able to see television in many months.  Then he starts to think about the people he once knew at the military base back in Maryland and how they are coping with a new society and new life.  His thoughts go on them for a few minutes and then he brings himself back to reality of the current times.  The sun is beginning to rise in the sky and the suns rays are beaming through the blinds that are closed, but they are closed in such a fashion that the rays beam down directly on the bed.  Tommy watches the beams of sunlight radiate down on to the sheets and he can feel the warm of the sunlight going through the sheets.  He smiles at first as the warmth of the sunlight brings him joy and calmness, but that was distracted quickly.

When he turned the television on just moments earlier he didn’t realize that the news was on.  He turns his attention towards the news and turns up the volume so he can hear the news anchor.

NEWS ANCHOR: Good morning Phoenix and welcome to Channel 11 news.  I’m Dean Mitchell, Andrea Newman is off today.  Today our top story is about the constant protest that continues in downtown Phoenix this morning over the debate of establishing a new territory in the west.  Brian Wilson has the details.

Tommy sits up and begins to pay more attention to the news and what they are reporting on.  He wants to see if he can find out why this is going on and if he wants to be involved in it.

BRIAN WILSON: Dean, I’ve been out here in downtown Phoenix since about four this morning and I did have the opportunity to speak to a few individuals on why they are here.

FEMALE INTERVIEWEE #1: This is insane of what they are proposing to do here.  That goes against the United States Constitution and I don’t think the president would go for that.

MALE INTERVIEWEE #1: The president of the United States needs to step in and stop this madness!  I know the states are independent, but this just goes too far.  Where are you Mr. President Ford?

FEMALE INTERVIEWEE #2: We are living in the times where wrong is right and right is wrong.  This is definitely wrong, but they are trying to make it right.  God help us.

MALE INTERVIEWEE #2: I’m a non-commissioned officer in the military and if this succeeds then this will open up a door that we all don’t want to walk through.  Trial and tribulations will be the death of us all.

BRIAN WILSON: As you can see, Dean, that many more than just those four people that I spoke to are very much against this proposal and would like to see the federal government step in and stop it completely.  However, I did speak to some that were for this proposal and they elected not to be shown on camera.  I spoke to a John Noble and he has been living here in the Phoenix area for about 10 years and he basically said that the federal government has betrayed its people and that they lack the ability to protect them.  He also goes on and says that the state governments that are proposing this change have seen the light finally and those against it must be dealt with accordingly.

DEAN MITCHELL: Brian, how many people are they expecting to be down there today in front of city hall?

BRIAN WILSON: The authorities are expecting anywhere between five to ten thousand people here in the streets and all over the city protesting this change.

DEAN MITCHELL: Okay, thanks Brian and you stay safe out there.

Tommy turns off the television and sits there staring at a blank screen looking at his reflection.  He gets up a few seconds later and goes into the bathroom to take a shower and has the idea of going downtown to see what the big fuss is all about.  Once he showered and got dressed he went downstairs and saw the new friend he met in the lobby as he was walking out the door.  Tommy walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder to gain his attention.

TOMMY: Hey, Jake how you doing?

JAKE: Tommy, what’s up, man?

TOMMY: Nothing much just finished watching the news.

JAKE: You heard about the protest going on downtown and the mass arrests that’s occurring?  It’s insane bro.

TOMMY: Yeah, about that incident going on downtown I was thinking about going down there and see what’s going on.

JAKE: You sure that’s a good idea, man?  It’s heavily policed and anyone caught down there can be arrested.

TOMMY: I’m aware of that, but I feel like I need to stand for something.  My dad was preparing himself to run for mayor in our town just before the attacks.  So I would like to make him proud knowing that I am fighting with a side.

JAKE: What side are you speaking about joining?  There’s only two.

TOMMY: I don’t know that’s why I wanted to go down and maybe speak to a few people and get the story that way.

JAKE: Listen, I may know someone who can give us a ride downtown, but he doesn’t give many people rides if he doesn’t know you.  Get with me in five minutes outside.

TOMMY: Okay, bet.

Tommy goes to the bathroom to wash his hands and prepare himself for going out even though he will be with two other dudes.  He walks out of the bathroom and into the career center near the lobby and sees a military policeman in the center.  He walks in and starts staring at him and looking at him in uniform and sees his Military Police brassard on his left shoulder.  The Pacific West Territories flag above the letters “MP” and the rest of his uniform in the grey and black camouflage type design.  The military policeman is at the end of the center next to a computer speaking to another guy, which looks like he is helping him navigate through the screen.  Tommy is then distracted from his stare by some noise in the hallway behind him and he rushes to go figure it out.  By the time he gets outside the center in the lobby it is a dozen or so people breaking up a fight between two middle aged looking males.  The one on his right hand side being held by most of the people looked stronger and had blood on his shirt.  He looked at the guy on his left and the man was bleeding from his nose, mouth, and one of his eyes.

Jake walks into the building and yells to Tommy across the lobby to gain his attention.  Tommy looks and waves his hand and starts walking towards the front door.  Once he exits the building he asks Jake does he knows what happen.  Jake responded in a way to say that is none of your business and if you want to stay alive and out of people’s way you won’t start getting into other people’s business.  Tommy took that to heart for a few seconds and wonders if that man who is all bloody was being nosy then he will remain the same and just pay attention to his surroundings.  He follows Jake around the corner slightly down the hill from the front door and he sees a black mustang convertible with dual exhaust with chrome tips.  The engine was running so he could hear the horsepower just purring through the exhaust system.  Jake walks up to the guy who is standing at the passenger side of the car with his arms crossed.  Tommy can’t hear what is being said, but the guy looks at him and Tommy knows that they are obviously talking about him.  The guy kind of rolls his eyes and unfolds his arms and takes a deep breath and sighs.  A few more words are exchanged and the guy finally agrees to speak to Tommy.  Tommy is just standing adjacent to them about ten feet away and sees the conversation coming to an end.

The guy looks at Tommy and Jake stands off to the side with his hands in his pockets.  The guy is wearing a tight blue short-sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers and starts approaching Tommy.  Tommy stands there wanting to show that he is not scared, but he takes a deep gulp of saliva with him a few steps away.  Then the guy walks up on him and stops just inches away practically violating Tommy’s personal space.

JEROME BUTLER: I’m Jerome and I am a black man.

TOMMY: Hello, I’m Tommy and I’m a white man. Not knowing what to say he is hoping that type of comment doesn’t get his ass beat.

JEROME BUTLER: Where are you from, Tommy?

TOMMY: I’m from New Jersey.

JEROME BUTLER: What part of New Jersey?

TOMMY: Wellington, New Jersey, which is north about 30 minutes from New York.

JEROME BUTLER: How in the hell get out here to Phoenix?  You wouldn’t have made it through the Midwest states.  The way people are dying out there.

TOMMY: My girlfriend and I were detained at a military base in Maryland after the attacks.  Once our time was up we were shipped out here by the military for whatever reason.

JAKE: I’ve heard of people being held in military camps just being shipped out to random parts of the country for no rhyme or reason.  They just so happened to be here in Phoenix.

JEROME BUTLER: I guess that’s good enough for me.  Just remember, Tommy, that I don’t know you and if you want stay alive and don’t get fucked up, you won’t piss me off.  Understood there white man?

TOMMY: I understand complete, Jerome. He dared not to say black man since he didn’t want to piss this guy off who looks like a linebacker and wearing his little brother’s t-shirt.

He gets in the car with Jake and Jerome and the top goes down on a cool 70 degrees day.  It is about eight in the morning and now they are off to downtown Phoenix to see what is going on.  Before they even get close to the site of the protest they hit roadblock after roadblock.  Police directing them in different directions away from the protest, but pedestrians carrying signs and chanting are being let through.  So after a few minutes of being diverted constantly they decided to find a parking space and walk.  Jerome finds a parking garage about 10 blocks away from city hall and drove around for a good ten minutes before seeing someone backing out.  They find themselves on the top floor of the garage and he puts on his turn signal then another vehicle opposite of the driving lane stops and puts on their turn signal as well.  The car backing out doesn’t pay attention to the stand off that is occurring for her parking space.  Once the car backs out and leaves both Jerome and the other car continues to stare at each other for a few more seconds.  Then Jerome steps on the gas and so does the other vehicle and they both go for the parking space.  Jerome’s quick surge of the gas pedal gets him a slight advantage and he was able to pull into the parking space, but his back tires were not in the space.  His Mustang got hit by the vehicle that was attempting to get into the space as well.

Jerome immediately jumps out once the collision occurred and Tommy had to pick himself up from the back floor.  The collision was hard enough to throw him to the floor and causing Jerome’s car to hit another vehicle on his left.  So now the mustang has damages on both rear fenders due to the collision of the other vehicle.  When Jerome exited the vehicle he was extremely mad and had to climb over the driver and rear seats and then had to step on his trunk before making contact with the pavement with his feet.  Jake was moaning in the passenger seat and holding his neck as if he was shot, but only slightly had pain.  Tommy was able to pick himself up off the floor and leaned forward to check on Jake.  Jake advised Tommy that he was okay and pointed behind them at Jerome as he was engaged in a verbal altercation with the driver through the window.  Tommy turned around and saw Jerome reach in and grab the driver and attempted to pull him through the driver side window.  Tommy got himself together real quick and attempted to help Jerome or maybe even pull him back away from the vehicle, but it was too late.

Two other occupants of the other vehicle exited from the backseat on both sides and the one behind the driver charged Jerome.  It was like hitting a brick wall and Jerome turned around and struck the guy with a left hook and knocked him out on the ground.  Tommy was shocked by the punch like he was hit with the massive force and power of that punch.  The other guy from the other side grabbed a baseball bat that was in the backseat and ran around the rear of the vehicle towards Jerome.  After Jerome knocked out the other guy his attention went back towards the driver and he had him pulled out halfway through the window.  Tommy saw the other guy charging with the baseball bat and yelled at Jerome as he was charging himself to cut off the guy.  The guy had the baseball bat cocked back over his head and for a split second Tommy saw the sun glistening off of the tip of the bat and made the assumption that it was an aluminum bat.  Jerome turned around while he had the driver in his grip and saw the bat, but was in a position that made it difficult to counter act the attacker.  Tommy dipped his shoulder and tackled the guy into the vehicle and the bat came out of the hands of the attacker.

Jerome saw that Tommy had his back and dragged the driver out of the vehicle completely.  Once the attacker was on the ground from the tackle Tommy got back up and kicked the bat away and proceeded to continuously kick the guy in the stomach over and over.  The guy was attempting to get up, but each kick knocked him back down and finally incapacitated him.  Fortunately, for the incident no witnesses drove by to see any of this going down.  Once Jerome got the driver out he picked him up off the ground by the throat and slammed him down on the hood of his own car.  Tommy yelled at Jerome and attempted to release Jerome’s grip from the guy’s neck, but struggled tremendously.  Jake finally was able to come and help and assisted Tommy in releasing Jerome’s grip from the guy’s neck.  Once they did the guy began to cough and gasp for air and slid off of the hood and on the ground at the feet of Jerome.  They guy got up holding his neck and Jerome got in his face, which struck fear in him.

Soon enough the police came by and was just on routine patrol and saw the vehicles in an abnormal position.  By that time the other two guys on the ground got up and the bat was kicked underneath other vehicle.  Once police arrived on scene the story given was exactly what happened, but the physical contents of the statements were left out by both parties.  Fear of going to jail and facing charges was not an option for either party.  Once insurance information was exchanged and the other vehicle left the scene the police also left the scene and continued on routine patrol.  Jerome repositioned his vehicle in the proper spot and put the top up and they proceeded to walk down to the street below.  Once on ground level they exited the garage and began walking towards the direction of city hall.  They began talking to each other as they walked towards the protesting zone.

JEROME: Hey, Tommy I want to thank you for your help back there.

TOMMY: No problem.  I saw that you had it at first, but that guy with the bat had the advantage for a moment.  So I did what was best to keep you from getting fucked up.

JEROME: Word.  Where were you Jake?

TOMMY: He was in the car holding his neck from the accident.

JAKE: I’m sorry Jerome, but that hit made my neck go in an unusual position.  I had to make sure my neck wasn’t sprained or anything.

JEROME: You okay now?  My man here, Tommy, had my back.

JAKE: Yeah I’m good thanks for asking.

They continued to walk down the street and found themselves about five blocks away from city hall by seeing the police presence increasing.  They stopped at one intersection waiting to cross as traffic was being redirected away from the location when they saw an altercation in front of them on the other side of the street.  Two groups, one that was against the proposal and one that was for the proposal who out numbered the group against it, began to get loud at each other.  The police officers in the area were being drawn towards the noise of the yelling and screaming.  Both were shaking their home made signs at each other and some were reciting Bible scriptures as others were beginning to shove each other.  One sign from the other side was grabbed and thrown to the ground and stomped on, which escalated the situation.  Police officers rushed the area and had their batons drawn from their belts ready for use.  A few people were struck by the batons and some were taken to the ground because of them fighting the police and the other protesters.  A few were told to leave the scene once the situation was diffused.  The three guys were still waiting to cross the street, but saw this middle age white guy stumbling across the street away from the situation holding a sign in his hand.  He passes Tommy and continues on and stops in front of a coffee shop assessing himself and talking to himself about the situation.

Tommy approaches as curiosity got the better of him, but Jake turns around and tries to get Tommy to come across the street.  Tommy tells Jake to hold on and he approaches the white guy and starts talking to him.

TOMMY: You okay, sir?

WHITE GUY: I’m okay kid.  What are you doing down here?

TOMMY: My friends and I are down here to see what’s going on.

WHITE GUY: You see what’s going on down here.  Mayhem that’s what’s going on down here.  You shouldn’t be down here you might get hurt.

TOMMY: What side are you on?

WHITE GUY: I’m on the side that is against the proposal of making the Pacific West Territories a reality.  Lot of us are against the proposal for many reasons.

JEROME: The other guys you got in the fight with I assume are for this?

WHITE GUY: Most of them are white supremacist and you also have a few black and Hispanic groups for this as well.  The community is tearing apart and the politicians don’t seem to take notice.

JAKE: Maybe they do, but have other agenda’s in mind.  I can’t believe this is going down.

WHITE GUY: Better believe it son, this reality you are in might change forever. The guy walks over and doesn’t turn around to look at them at all.  He left his sign on the ground and Tommy picks it up and reads it. The sign reads ‘UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!’  Jake and Jerome gets Tommy’s attention to continue on he drops the sign back on the ground.  Once they crossed the street they start making their way through crowds of people and find an opening to stand in.  The scene is overwhelming to them and they start looking around as people around them are chanting and yelling.  They can see another group across the street to their right that is separated by police in riot gear from the group of people they are standing in the midst of.  Tommy looks around and sees nothing but people everywhere protesting the proposal and can’t make out what people are saying since it is an ocean of them.

Tommy hears a commotion behind him and sees that a few protesters have charged the police line to get to the other side.  The police officers in riot gear along with some military personnel in riot gear as well stop the protesters in their tracks and detain them.  Tommy also wonders with numerous people around how can the police be sure no one has a weapon strapped to them.  Well, soon enough his answer to his question will satisfy that curiosity of his.  Jerome and Jake tap Tommy on his chest and they continue through the crowd passing city hall and as they approach in front the building shots ring out from their right.  Suddenly people begin to yell and screams fill the air as people run and duck for cover.  Tommy heard a few bullets whiz pass his head as he ducked down and in that instant second it reminded him of his encounter with the New White Order militia several months ago.  He wondered for a brief second if they had caught up to him for killing their elected leader for his escape.  Then he figured in the crowd of people they would not have known his location unless someone on this inside made them aware.

After a few seconds of shots being fired Tommy turned around while on the ground next to Jake and saw the police subduing the gunman.  All he could see was a see of black and green as they surrounded him and took him into custody.  The gunman was yelling something as he was being taken away and some protesters were wounded in the few seconds of the incident.  Tommy turns to Jake to see if he was okay and he was, but when they looked at Jerome he didn’t get up.  Jake rolls over Jerome and could see a bullet in his chest and blood around his mouth.  Jerome laid there on his back lifeless with his eyes open as they both look at him as if this couldn’t have happened.  People were still yelling and screaming, but mostly for the medical attention that was needed.  Medics eventually got to Jerome a few minutes later and took him away on a stretcher, but they knew he was dead.  Tommy gets up and so does Jake and they look at each other wondering what to do now.  Tommy begins to walk back in the direction they came from through the crowd of wounded people and police personnel pushing people out of the area.  Jake runs up behind Tommy and grabs his arm.

JAKE: Where are you going now?

TOMMY: I’ve seen what I needed to see Jake.  This is crazy.  I’m heading back home.

JAKE: This is your opportunity to join the revolution against the opposition.  Isn’t this why you came down here?

TOMMY: Is that what you think, Jake?  I came down here because I wanted to see what the big issue was about.  Now I have seen enough and must decide for myself what is best.

JAKE: Tommy, your decision has been made already.  You just don’t know it yet.

TOMMY: The only thing I know is that my life is completely different from years before.  Now, I’m ready to make a change and make a difference.  I think I know what I need to do for myself now.

JAKE: What’s that?

TOMMY: He looks at the military personnel unloading the truck in front of them.

JAKE: You can’t be serious, Tommy? That’s a whole different world in it’s self.  Think about Sandra and the life you two can half together.

TOMMY: Jake, I have to think about myself also.  The life we are trying to live has not been all roses and we’ve seen things that no one here has probably seen.

JAKE: So you want to be selfish and only consider what’s best for you?

TOMMY: It’s not being selfish Jake.  For months after the attacks I wanted to do something with my life to make it feel like I can make a change.  I want to serve a purpose that can make me proud and others proud of me.

JAKE: What about Sandra?  Do you think she will be proud of you for the decision you’re making?

TOMMY: Right now her opinion is not my concern.  I need to follow my heart and I think this is the decision that needs to be made. He walks away from Jake as he hears police sirens and ambulances arriving and leaving the scene.  Jake watches Tommy walk away from him for a block and a half and the proceeds to follow him.  Life has been altered and now things must change for the better.



“Lips Galore” is a new blog series coming to the blog station beginning in June 2010.  It will be featured on the FOUR PLAY CHANNEL, which is a new category added to this blog some weeks ago.  This will be the very first series posted under this category.

The main location of the story will be in and around the Washington, D.C. area with occasional visits to other cities.  The focus will be on a married couple that live just south of the city and both, husband and wife, work within the city.  The story will pick up when the marriage is in its fourth year just when they think that the hard parts are behind them.  Both, husband and wife, have a past that they think is buried until a few issues in the marriage arise that allows the past to catch up.  Things start to pop up and both of their integrity and faithfulness to each other begins to get questioned by things going on around them.

With everyday stresses on the horizon, such as the economy, jobs, and finances, they start to hide things from each other in every aspect of life.  Sooner or later things will begin to surface and excuses will begin to fly to cover their true intentions or their failed attempts to either save the marriage or to hide any affairs that have or could have happened.  Later on they both begin to see slowly that they may not know the other person at all as things begin to spiral.  Family and friends from both sides attempt to give advice to their respective colleague, but other intentions are hidden under their ‘save the day’ attitude.

Both families are now involved in this marriage and instead of looking out for the husband and wife’s best interest at heart they begin to see an opportunity for themselves.  Now, the question is since the families have their hands deep into this investment of a marriage can it be saved?  Or better yet will the love and faithfulness still be there at the end?

Tune in beginning June 2nd.


Many people go into a life long committment whether it is a relationship or some type of career move, sacrifices come and must be made.  It is definitely true with every marriage out there that you become a part of.  You have to learn how to respect your spouse and at the same time love them unconditionally to the bitter end.  No one, especially me, ever said that marriage is going to be easy, but it is well worth the sacrifices that are needed to be made in order for you and your spouse to have a long lasting marriage.  Many people go in with the idea that they can start of with a starter husband or a starter wife.  I tell you that makes no sense to me and by all means sounds ignorant and damn foolish.

A starter spouse?  Really?  How mature does that sound to you and to your family?  Although you might not tell your family or even your closes friends that the dude or woman you are married too is your rough draft to a better marriage in the future.  My wife and I have hit on this topic a few times in the past and no matter how we try to slice it it doesn’t make sense.  All that with the fuel of her latest post on black women with degrees and how most of them think they are all that or on a higher level than most men.  I suggest you read that post and give your feed back as we see this on a daily basis.

I tell you people communication is the key to any relationship and don’t be afraid to do that with your spouse, significant other, or any close friends you have.  It can resolve alot of issues that continue to come up and can make you come to conclusions of what needs to be done in order to keep the issue from coming up ever again.  We all hate when the same issues continue to come up over and over again and we can’t see to find the reason or solution to end that continuous cycle.  Obviously, if the issue continues to come up over and over again a new solution to the problem is needed.  Sometimes you may have to quit smoking or other bad habits cold turkey in order to stop that continuous cycle.

If the issue continues to rise its ugly head over and over again then the situation is more serious than you or both of you give credit for.  Certain things can make a person realize that they have not be living up to their full potential and maybe things need to change immediately.  Some things won’t change immediately, but at least you made a concerted effort to change your bad habits or bad behavior.  Trust me people when I say that doing certain things are not worth it, especially when the happiness of your significant other or spouse is jeopardized.  Nothing is worth putting your strong marriage and happiness of the other spouse in jeopardy for your own selfish or wants and needs.

When you get married to the love of your life you need to combine everything together in order for it to make it work, but at the same time I understand that some people or marriages work when both spouses are independent in most cases.  You do what works for your marriage and only you and your spouse need to know what that is.  You don’t owe an explanation to anyone on what goes on behind close doors or what you and your spouse decided to do with your finances.  As long as you and your spouse come up with a plan to do things together or to work on certain things together, make sure you give it a  chance to work before scrapping it.  Scrapping it every time it doesn’t work immediately will always put you one or two steps behind and you will never find yourself taking the curve ahead of the pack.

All I am saying is that nothing is worth sacrificing the amount of happiness you can have in your marriage and beyond.  Sometimes you need the harsh reality to open your eyes to what has been going on underneath of you.  If you love and care about your spouse’s feelings and emotions than you won’t have much getting in the way of you two.

“SHOOTING STAR” Chapter XXII – The Homeland

Since the attacks occurred on American soil approximately nine months ago, the Department of Homeland Security has been working very aggressively to find the truth about what happened.  During their investigation of the mass attacks on U.S. cities, the Homeland Security secretary has been keeping the president of the United States in the loop of what is going on.  On a regular basis has the president been up to date on the status of the nation’s security threat level and possible connections.  At the same time the F.B.I.’s Joint Terrorism Task Force team has been investigating leads on their end to find the group or groups responsible for this attack.  Now, since no one really knows what’s going on and how this could have happened how would they know what lead to follow and who might be involved.  Well, several weeks ago during an investigation in Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C., the J.T.T.F. and federal agents from Homeland Security raided a townhome somewhere near historic Alexandria.

The lead that was given by an anonymous tip who said that a neighbor had numerous metal crates delivered to his home in the middle of the day.  The metal crates were silver and had the markings on the sides and top of a skull head with cross bones colored in as black.  The anonymous caller figured this looked suspicious along with the men who were delivering it.  A courier dropped off the metal crates, approximately eight of them and about ten feet in length and three feet in width, and was not wearing a uniform.  Two other men grabbed the metal crates and lifted them and took them inside the townhome.  The anonymous caller listened to her inner judgment and contacted the F.B.I., who then coordinated a joint effort with Homeland Security.  The search warrant was granted by a federal judge after she learned that those metal crates might have been stolen from a secured chemical depot located just outside of Richmond, Virginia.

As soon as the search warrant was granted the joint teams executed the warrant and raided the townhome.  Once inside they were not able to locate the metal crates and attempt to find out how they were able to move them without anyone knowing.  Since their search warrant was limited to spaces of where the metal crates could be hidden they couldn’t search the home for anything else.  One federal agent took a step in the hallway of the home and fell through the ground floor into a hidden tunnel.  The federal agent was not seriously injured and others followed by climbing down a ladder that was built into the tunnel.  Once inside the tunnel it was dark and cool so all agents turned on their flashlights as they searched.  The tunnel stands about twelve feet in height and about eight feet across and can feet two men side by side easily.  They start to think that this is how the crates were smuggled out of the house.  They followed the tunnel under the home that lead back underneath the street they drove on to get to the house.  The tunnel led them to another entry point that was covered up.  One agent was brave enough to uncover the entry point and attempted to clear the ground above.  The tunnel was about one thousand feet long from point to point and ended in a warehouse.  The warehouse was completely empty except for a piece of paper that was left behind.  The piece of paper listed a few groups, which included some domestic terrorist and extremists groups, of who is to be paid, but nothing describes of any further plans after the attacks.

This piece of paper was logged into evidence and only shared with authorized personnel who were granted security clearances, such as the Joint Chiefs and the president himself.  This is the clue that has been of help so far as to who might be involved, but it doesn’t help them to find out why this happened, what exactly happened, and what is the enemies sole purpose behind it.  The current state of the nation is that different regions are experiencing different threats and face control change for the worse.  The states in the west are attempting to form an alliance together to establish a territory that would still be part of the United States, but under another authority much like Puerto Rico.  The southern states that include Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama to name a few, are contemplating going their separate ways all together, but have ran into a few major issues that have kept that from coming true.  In the northeast of the Atlantic region from Pennsylvania to Main and parts of Nova Scotia immigrants have migrated and nearly quadrupled the population.  Since this region is the furthest away from everything in the country all the foreigners along with some American citizens have fled here to settle down in a new life.

Law enforcement have been working around the clock in dealing with new arrival gangs that make up of some legal and illegal immigrants from Mexico and other cultures abroad.  The food supply in the region has been strained in some cases that grocery stores were not able to stock their shelves with new items.  Fuel for vehicles on the road and water are being stretched and the prices for those essentials continue to rise by the day.  Some gas stations were forced to close either due to lack of sufficient fuel or vandalized to the point that the gas stations were rendered unusable.  Street gangs have taken the opportunity in this stage of the game to launch attacks on rival gang members to take out their competition.  Every gang that is eliminated about two more seem to rise up in their place.  The violence in this region is around the clock and the local and state governments are struggling to keep up and running out of resources to do so.  The National Guard units from every state have been activated to restore law and order and given arrest powers to assist the police.  This has only slowed down the violence, but has not eliminated other issues that have risen.  Since immigration is a huge issue in this country several marches and protest have occurred in the streets in historical proportions.  Some police departments have their officers working in full riot gear twenty four/seven until further notice.  Since the Posse Comitatus Act is in existence the federal troops are being used to assist the National Guard and the local police departments in equipment and shelter if needed.

In the south the state of Georgia seems to be the leader in this push for a separate unified union.  A lot of major issues have risen to keep that from happening, but once those issues are worked out the process will be fast tracked.  Other states that have remained with Washington, D.C. have been contacted by the rogue states to join their side.  The only state at this current time that is in negotiation with the rogue states is Colorado.  The state of Colorado also houses NORAD, which the main mission is to protect North America from any missile attack that is launched to eliminate their sovereignty.  Even though NORAD is a federal unit and controlled by Canadian and American personnel, if the state of Colorado joins the Pacific West Territories that would change things drastically.  The United States government would loose a ground hole in the race against time to stop this movement in its tracks.  In the event that Colorado joins the Phoenix government the president of the United States is prepared to send in a team of specialized personnel to overthrow the leaders behind this master mind plot to establish a separate territory.  Although the Pacific West Territories are not officially a separate nation most government offices in the region are still under U.S. control.  This however, is part of the reason the process has been slowed down and the president is trying to take advantage of the situation.

This has turned into a power struggle between several states and the integrity of the U.S. Constitution that the federal government is sworn to protect.  The news of this plan that the west is attempting to establish its own democracy has ignited controversy among the citizens in the region and are calling for the states legislatures to intervene.  Many people have been arrested in attempting to cease city hall and making threats on government officials.  Many people have been charged with felonies in the courts and are awaiting the death penalty for their crimes.  With no official constitution to make up the laws of the Pacific West Territories many law makers and lawyers were able to draft up a temporary bill explaining the new government that is to take place and the new laws that will be implemented immediately.  This bill was first signed by Arizona then California and later followed by Nevada, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and now awaiting the signature of Colorado.  NORAD understands the situation that is happening and is preparing their personnel for the worse case scenario if the agreement happens.  The high authority of NORAD have been ordered by the Air Force Joint Chief of Staff to protect all missile silos throughout the country, while they still have complete control.

NORAD nearly lost complete control of its operations shortly after the attacks happened.  A missile silo located in the mountains of western Maryland near the West Virginia border was under the control of another authority.  When that happened the ICBM housed in the silo was launched in the air minutes away from its target being somewhere in Europe.  A U.S. submarine on patrol in the Atlantic Ocean was notified of the incident immediately after the ICBM was fired and ordered to shoot it down.  Although the task of this seems nearly impossible it had to be coordinated very carefully and without hesitation from the commander’s crew on the sub.  The ICBM was crossing over the Atlantic Ocean several miles up into the atmosphere and being tracked by an AWAC plane hundreds of miles away.  When it was the appropriate time to fire a missile to knock it out of the sky the commander gave the order to do so and within minutes the ICBM was destroyed and fell harmlessly in the ocean.  During the preliminary investigation of the incident it was determined that the location of the ICBM was Berlin, Germany.  The German government was not aware of this and nor did the president of the United States notify them or any members of NATO.  A nuclear war was diverted for the time being, but they are not out of the woods yet.

With tensions rising throughout the country and the stress spreading throughout the global community, solutions are not quickly in order.  Whatever the solution is to one problem another issue has the potential of getting worse because another situation was resolved.  It is spoken among NATO countries that if one nation is attacked that means all nations under the NATO agreement were attacked as well.  The only issue is that the statement is pertaining to another rogue nation or an enemy state.  That statement was not intended for domestic and international terrorism groups that maybe housed and residence of such countries.  So since the United States might have been attacked by international and domestic terrorism they can not just attack another nation who may have their citizens on U.S. soil carrying out such attacks.  If the citizens are in the U.S. carrying out such attacks, it is possible that their own government is not aware of such plot.  So things have shifted more so on a global scale then becoming a national security issue, it is a global security issue.  Several nations have offered aid to the U.S. and have prepared themselves to commit to such an organized effort for many weeks.  For many governments across the globe, include the U.S., have questions of when is the next attack and how will this effect relations throughout the world among many allies today.

“SHOOTING STAR” Chapter XXI – Intelligence

LOCATION: President’s Hideout

Just a few days after the President of the United States had his meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other members of the cabinet he gets another surprise coming his way.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Mr. President, I have a phone call for you from Washington.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Who’s calling me from Washington?

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Takes a deep swallow and then answers the question.  According to the person calling from Washington the United Nations Security Council is calling for you.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Have the phone call forwarded to my office. He gets up from the location he was at with his wife and kids outside and sets off to his office down the hall.  The chief of staff goes back to the phone and has the call forwarded to the president.

The president gets to his office and as soon as he sits down the phone rings and it blinks on the secured line, which he knows it is official.  He watches it blink for a few seconds before he picks up the phone and answers it.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: This is President Ford, how may I help you?

U.N. SECURITY COUNCIL: Mr. President, good afternoon you know this is Chairman Lee, Head of the U.N. Security Council.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Mr. Lee, what do I owe the pleasure of your call?

CHAIRMAN LEE: We have been monitoring the situation there in the United States and the effects all around the world.  We haven’t contacted you in months after the attacks simply because we wanted your government to focus on the task at hand.  How are things going there so far?

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Things here are slowly getting back to normal.  We still have a few things to tie up and a few things to take care before we are fully operational.  This has in no way weakened the United States to the world.

CHAIRMAN LEE: Well, I’m curious to know about this situation we are hearing about in the western region.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Western region?

CHAIRMAN LEE: The Pacific West Territories have applied to our office for assistance and to be recognized as a separate union.  Well, this was given to us in a several page correspondence and to narrow the explanation down that is what they are saying to the council.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Well, to make things clear for you and the council is that the Pacific West Territories is not a separate nation and that we are not recognizing it as such.  That violates our constitution and whoever is responsible to establishing a nation within our borders will be charged with treason.

CHAIRMAN LEE: I understand the position you and your government stands on this.  However, I wouldn’t be so very concerned if I didn’t know about their situation and how they plan on going about it.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: What information do you have on that?

CHAIRMAN LEE: Well, you are aware of the senators and congressman who represent the states that make up that region are pushing for this, right?

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Yes, I am aware of that and that they are also trying to explain that it is still part of the United States.  Their reasoning for this is that the state governments are extremely unhappy of our response to assist them.  They want to be a separate territory of the U.S., but still part of this country.

CHAIRMAN LEE: So they want to be independent like Puerto Rico and Guam and other territories of the U.S.?

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: That’s my understanding of it.  We are fighting that along with other members of Congress who represent the states in the south.  That situation is well more handled and far less along than the situation in the west.

CHAIRMAN LEE: You might want to focus more on the western region than the southern states.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: We have intelligence people on the ground reporting to us periodically on the situation at hand.  So for the most part we have everything under control.

CHAIRMAN LEE: Well, if you have intelligence in place than you should know that other states are being secretly contacted to join their cause.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: What the hell are you talking about Mr. Lee?

CHAIRMAN LEE: The Phoenix government is in negotiations with Colorado, Utah, Alaska, and Montana.  Several other states remain neutral and under the order of your authority.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Oh my god! I’m assuming you have people here monitoring the situation as well?

CHAIRMAN LEE: We’ve had people there almost immediately after the attacks happened.  The word is that someone or the information you need to know about the attacks is in Sacramento, California.  Nothing has confirmed that, but so far our team is investigating this and reporting to us.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: It would have been nice for you and U.N. to let us know what was going on.  How do you think I feel to know I have foreign operatives operating in my country without my knowledge?

CHAIRMAN LEE: I’m sorry Mr. President, but it was a necessary action and we felt as the situation was being investigated we would let you know of the issues brewing.  Right now, I am asking that you allow us to operate and we will coordinate with your people to help solve this massive confusion.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: I will allow your organization to operate on U.S. soil, but everything from this point on needs to come through me first.

CHAIRMAN LEE: I completely understand and I apologize for our inconsiderate behavior.  We also need to solve this quickly because the world’s economy has seriously taken a hit.  So with that in mind you surely understand why we acted the way we did?

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: I understand Mr. Lee.  We shall work together and bring this situation to a halt immediately. They hang up and continue on with their respective business with their members of their organization.

Almost immediately after his meeting with the chairman of the U.N. Security Council President Ford meets with his chief of staff in his office.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Emanuel I need to speak to you for a brief moment.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Sure, Mr. President.  What do you need?

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: I just finished my meeting with Chairman Lee and apparently he has intelligence people in our country monitoring our handling of this crisis.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: What? Do you want me to file a motion to have them cease operation immediately and turn over all information gathered to us?

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: That won’t be necessary Emanuel.  What I do need you to do is contact the Joint Chiefs and alert them of the situation.  Then have them gather a joint intelligence team to go in and figure out the weakness of this whole mess.  I want information on who is responsible, what the west intend to do once they complete their task, and what are our options to stop this from happening.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well one way to cease this from happening is to order sanctions and state that anyone going along with this plan will be charged with treason.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Ordering sanctions on our own people will just exacerbate the situation and cause more people to just join their cause.  Whatever that cause maybe.  We need to succeed in this issue and failure is not an option.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Yes, sir I will get on that immediately.  How soon do you want this team to be on the ground?

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: As soon as possible.  Also I was thinking that no cities on the west were hit to our knowledge.  So why would they want to cause division within our unification?  The 64 million dollar question needs to be answered and time is running out.

The White House Chief of Staff gets his orders from the president and calls up the Joint Chiefs for an emergency meeting.  They meet Emanuel in the room where the last meeting was held.

EMANUEL: Thank you gentlemen for meeting me for this emergency action that the president is calling for.

ARMY GENERAL: What’s going on Emanuel?

EMANUEL: The president wants all of you to form a joint intelligence team to have on the ground within the next couple of days.

MARINE GENERAL: That needs to be cleared through the Department of Homeland Security Secretary.  Besides we can’t use federal troops on the ground because it violates the Posse Comitatus Act.

EMANUEL: You can’t use them for any reason that enforces the federal and state laws of the country.  However, you can use them for gathering intelligence on the enemy. The Joint Chiefs look at each other with somewhat of a perplexed look on their faces.  The United Nations has foreign operatives operating in this country monitoring our handling of this crisis.  They are gathering intelligence on the ground and they would like to coordinate with us in doing so.

AIR FORCE GENERAL: That’s insane!  How long have they been here?

EMANUEL: Almost immediately after the attacks happened.  I offered to file a motion with the U.N. heads, but the president told me not too.

NAVY ADMIRAL: You telling me we have foreign operatives in this country without permission from the president?

EMANUEL: That’s exactly what I’m saying to you Admiral.

ARMY GENERAL: These bastards want our cooperation on the ground after they practically invaded us?!  I can’t believe this!  I can’t believe that the president is willing to work with them side by side.

EMANUEL: I understand your concern and your opinion on this, but this is the order of the president and he needs to know immediately.

MARINE GENERAL: What does the president need from us?

EMANUEL: A number of individuals that will be involved in the joint intelligence operation.

AIR FORCE GENERAL: You mean a counter-intelligence operation on the Pacific West Territories.

EMANUEL: Call it what you want to call it, but the fact remains that this is what the president wants.  He’s still waiting for the information from the troops on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq.

MARINE GENERAL: I have it on my computer and I will forward it to you.

ARMY GENERAL: I have it on my computer as well and will send it to you.

EMANUEL: Good.  When you figure out how to set up your operation let me know ASAP.  Also since we have military bases there in the western region what is happening to them?

MARINE GENERAL: Most of the base commanders were arrested and many of the authorities there were involved in a fierce fire fight.

EMANUEL: So what are you telling me general?

ARMY GENERAL: Most of the base commanders of all military bases were either arrested or forced to change over.  Anyone resisting would face swift action.

EMANUEL: So this is looked at an attack on the United States?

NAVY ADMIRAL: I’ve got some ships that were hijacked and now under operation of this so called territory.  This is unacceptable and our swift action is needed.

EMANUEL: What you are asking for is a military strike on our own people?

MARINE GENERAL: They sure didn’t think about that before they started committing treason on our troops and all federal buildings.

EMANUEL: The president is not going to go for it.  Besides the information we need to know about all of this is supposedly located in Sacramento.  I overheard the president’s conversation with the United Nations Security Council.

ARMY GENERAL: Sacramento, California?  Oh my god.

EMANUEL: What general?

ARMY GENERAL: There is an abandon warehouse about 10-15 minutes outside of the city heading north on the Pacific Coast Highway.  That warehouse is secured by locks, codes, and constantly secured by armed guards.

EMANUEL: Okay, well what’s in it?

ARMY GENERAL: I didn’t think about this before, but that warehouse contains chemicals such as mustard gas, anthrax, and other biological and chemical agents.

EMANUEL: Oh no, are you telling me that is where the terrorists got the stuff from to raise an attack on the cities?

ARMY GENERAL: No, I know that location was not hit because if it was we would have known and action would have been coordinated immediately.

EMANUEL: Okay, then what is the big issue?

MARINE GENERAL: There is a tunnel inside the warehouse that leads to a silo that controls at least half a dozen ICBM’s in California, Nevada, and Oregon.

EMANUEL: This just gets worse by the day.

“SHOOTING STAR” Chapter XX – The Hunt

LOCATION: Wherever the President is located

It is approximately eight months to the day of the sudden attacks that occurred on the United States and just shocked everyone into a different realm of life.  The president of the United States along with members of his cabinet and other essential members of the federal government were evacuated just in time.  Even though the nation’s capital was not attacked and remains in tact the federal authorities could not take the risk of leaving the president a sitting duck.  At this present time Washington, D.C. is surrounded by military and federal authorities and all access points into the city are either blocked or manned by heavily armed personnel.  The city is nearly in a state of martial law with curfew being implemented on individuals under the age of 18, unless they have legitimate business to be out on the streets after 2200hrs.  The Military Police along with the D.C. Police are conducting random vehicle stops and checks throughout the city and have made several arrests on other crimes, but a few sleeper cells have been caught as a result.

Many U.S. cities, especially on the east coast or on the Atlantic Region, were hit by either a nuclear style weapon or with some biological weapon.  Either way both weapons have the massive potential to make the cities and the areas around them uninhabitable for many years to come.  Even though Dallas is not considered to be an eastern city it has been affected by the attacks in more ways than one.  When the attacks first happened Tommy and Sandra were still in New Jersey and nearly died in the blasts.  Life for them has changed drastically and now they find themselves in the west living in a different set of circumstances all together.  People in the city of Dallas have seen life go from eating the most famous bar-b-que in the nation and seeing the city rise up to be one of the best living areas in the country to now eating infected rats, some people have resulted to cannibalism of radiological infected bodies, staying warm next to burning fires, and bathing in contaminated waters.

Most of the people that survived the nuclear blasts were either underground at the time of the attacks or arrived there for other reasons.  The military at this point have set-up checkpoints outside the city and everyday live in chemical suits and gas masks.  They come across dead bodies’ everyday and people are dying off in the dozens with no hair, burned skin, and some have been deemed unrecognizable.  No type of structure has been reestablished in the city and almost the entire landscape of the city is in rumble or still burning months later.  The fallout has moved slowly east towards Shreveport, Louisiana and most of the residents there have evacuated once the news was reported to them of the situation.  At this point and time Houston, Texas is one of the safest cities in the region, let alone the entire state of Texas where people have been able to live some type of normal life.  Each state governor in the United States has declared their respective sovereign republic in a state of emergency.  Curfews are implemented to all individuals and anyone outside of the allotted times are subject to search for any reason for a reasonable amount of time.

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania the state government has sent most of its resources to assist the people and emergency personnel in the city.  Since the city was a victim of a biological attack, which is one of the most recent events to happen on such a scale, many residence of the city have fell ill violently.  Hospitals are to full capacity and have been turning people around because they simply can’t afford to house any more patience’s.  To combat this effort and to help as many people as they can the American Red Cross was called in and military personnel, who are medics, were also called in to assist in treating the sick.  Hundreds of people were not able to be saved in time and suffered throughout the life of the illness and many more are still to follow.  Most of the emergency personnel were affected as well so their responses to the calls of the ill are hindered by their own limitations.

Through numerous tests of several patients it is determined that the population has been contaminated with a high dosage of mustard gas.  Unfortunately, many small children and weak people, such as homeless individuals were affected quickly and fell to the contamination quickly.  Many people who were contaminated by breathing in the air after the explosion were killed by asphyxiation due to the lungs swelling and bleeding, and for some it turned to liquid.  The same affect fell on the cities of Raleigh, North Carolina and Richmond, Virginia.  Atlantic City, New Jersey was also affected by the chemical blasts, but surprisingly they were able to combat the issue and nearly recover most of the residence back to normal.  Even though many face months and maybe years of recovery it is being spread around that Atlantic City may have the best care for this type of illness.

As the cities send in their reports of the tests of the contaminants to the CDC they in turn release the report to the president of the United States.  Once the report is received by the White House chief of staff he takes it to the president and goes over the findings.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Mr. President, I have the tests results from Richmond and Pittsburgh that just came in.

He gives the report to the president and as he looks over it his suspicion is confirmed that four cities were attacked by a chemical weapon.  Now in his mind this changes things for the worse since the enemy is willing to use chemical and nuclear weapons to attack this country.  He immediately calls for a meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and to have the F.B.I. and Secretary of Defense to join the meeting as well.  Moments later the individuals that were to be in the meeting were all there awaiting his arrival in the room, which was constructed after the he was evacuated from Washington, D.C.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Thank you for coming for this emergency meeting.  I was just given the report of the cities attacked weeks ago and two out of the four have confirmed that they were hit with a chemical agent of mustard gas. A low sigh was heard through the room.  Do we have any thing to lead us to the enemies of this country?

JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE COMMANDER: Mr. President, we are still following up numerous amounts of leads on who could be responsible for the attacks.  It’s hard to say and to pinpoint who is involved in this massive situation.

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: However, we do still have soldiers overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq who may have some information about the attacks here at home.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: How long will it take to have that information here in front of me?

GENERAL OF THE ARMY: I can have the officer’s in the field prepare a report for me within the hour.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Okay, now to combat the enemies abroad within our borders what have we come up with?

GENERAL OF THE ARMY: I have brigades ready to mobilize when called and can conduct a door to door search with the information the F.B.I. has.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: We can’t use federal troops to conduct law enforcement operations.  That violates the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.

GENERAL OF THE ARMY: How do you propose we go about this? The National Guard in all 50 states is nearly stretched beyond capacity.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Are you able to help the National Guard with equipment and other things they may need to complete their mission, general?

GENERAL OF THE ARMY: I can supply the units in the surrounding states with equipment as needed, but we still need to protect military installations that houses chemicals that can be used in further attacks.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: This brings me to the next question.  How in the hell did they, who ever they are, get a hold of mustard gas?  Can someone give me an answer for that mystery?  Right now I feel as if we are trying to solve a major mystery and this will cause us more grief if we don’t have an answer for anything that has happened.

JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE COMMANDER: We are still looking in to see if someone broke into one of the storage units that houses mustard gas and other chemicals just outside of Washington, D.C.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: As soon as you get that report you need to let us know so we can coordinate accordingly.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: In light of this investigation of the attacks to our country we still face another challenge that can disrupt the sovereignty of this nation.  A state seceding from the union is against the constitution and shall be dealt with immediately. How could we allow the states in the west to think that going in their separate direction is okay?  We face the same situation in the south and the state of Georgia is condoning this act.  We need to do whatever we need to do to let the state governments know that we are here to help and assist their needs in any way we can.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Mr. President I also wanted to inform you that the Pacific West Territories are setting themselves up to hold elections later this year.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Do they think it is a good idea to hold state government elections at this time?

GENERAL OF THE MARINES: They are looking to hold elections for president of the region.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: His face drops as long as his mouth drops open for a few seconds in disbelief.  He then closes his eyes and shakes his head from side to side as to say this can’t be happening to himself.  I thought they were calling themselves that because it was conducive for this situation.

JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE COMMANDER: No, Mr. President they are calling themselves the Pacific West Territories because they plan on becoming a sovereign nation within our borders.  All those who work for the F.B.I. in that region have either left the bureau to join them or forced out.


WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: We did look into it to see if this was in relation with the attacks on this country.  Nothing has satisfied that suspicion of members of our own government has planned this to happen.  For all we know at this moment that this situation is separate from the attacks.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: What is their possible reasoning for doing such an irresponsible act? As he looks around the room to everyone waiting for an answer.

SECRETARY OF STATE: What’s being told to us from our intelligence on the ground is that they are not happy with our response to the situation and they feel as if they can handle themselves without waiting for us.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: So do we have another threat to worry about to our west?

JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE COMMANDER: We don’t think that region is an immediate threat, but they do have the potential to become a separate nation, just like Puerto Rico.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: I will not stand for this and I will not allow this to happen under my watch.  I want this situation watched closely and updated on everything that happens.  We can not allow this to take place and allow this country to split for whatever reason.  This will definitely play in the hands of the enemy and they will do whatever to exploit that. He turns to his chief of staff and makes a demand.  I want you to set up a meeting with all the state representatives in that region.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Yes, sir.  I’ll get on it.

PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: While we are dealing with that situation we still have to deal with possible domestic and international terrorists coordinating together within our borders.  We had one potential lead, but he was killed mafia style while recovering in the hospital by two mysterious men.  There is a leader involved in this and they are doing one hell of a job to not be discovered by us.  We need to be tired less and not give up and out last them in everything they do.  WE MUST SUCCEED!! Thank you gentlemen that’s it until next time.

The president gets up and leaves the room going back to his office.  All the men in the room look at each other and slowly make their way out of the room.  The White House Chief of Staff pull the Joint Terrorism Task Force Commander aside and speaks to him privately.


WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: What’s the realistic on solving any of this?

JTTF COMMANDER: We’ve been at this for months before it happened and after the attacks.  This could go on for many more months and at the worse years.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: What can make this investigation go faster?

JTTF COMMANDER: If I had more men in the field and better tips on the investigation.  Even then that wouldn’t guarantee a quick solution to the problem.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: How did you find out about the states in the west and south?

JTTF COMMANDER: I still have informants from previous investigations located in California and Florida.  After the attacks I was contacted by those individuals who alerted me to what was possible to happen.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: So you knew this could be a potential issue after the attacks happen?

JTTF COMMANDER: I knew that certain states would do things their way, but not actually secede from the union.  This is news to me as it is to you.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: What leads do you have at this present time?

JTTF COMMANDER: Well, we have a potential lead that a domestic terrorist group located just outside of Wichita, Kansas that might have information and possibly involved in the attacks on Pittsburgh and other U.S. cities.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: How do you plan on moving on that tip?

JTTF COMMANDER: Were still preparing our team and once we finish preparations we will join up with another team out there and move in.  This group is heavily armed so they may put up a fight and some lives maybe lost as a result.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: You do what you need to do to bring this threat and those responsible to an end.  Whatever you need just let us know and we will provide you with what you need.

JTTF COMMANDER: Thanks, sir.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Let the manhunt begin.

“SHOOTING STAR” Chapter XIV – The Tour

Homeless Shelter, Phoenix, Arizona

SANDRA: Tommy? I’m getting ready to leave for my interview.

TOMMY: Who are you going to work for again?

SANDRA: Gross-Out.  It’s a company that specializes in special effects and Halloween make-up.  I’m going to be a cashier there that is if everything goes well at the interview.

TOMMY: I wish you luck. He walks over to her from the window and gives her a hug.  Once they exchanged hugs she kissed him on the cheek and grabbed her new purse and left the room.

It has been at least one week since their arrival at the building and already Sandra has an interview with a company located somewhere in downtown Phoenix.  Tommy on the other hand has been looking and right now so such luck, well at least not today.  He goes downstairs to eat lunch and sees that on the menu is something he hasn’t had since his last days at home back in New Jersey.  As he approaches the cafeteria entrance he walks up to the whiteboard that is placed just outside the doors.  He stares at it and begins to think back about home and having lasagna with salad and garlic bread with a tall glass of ginger ale.  The ginger ale was to help prevent gas from him eating so much of the dish, which appears to be his favorite.  He finally snaps out of his daydream about home and enters the cafeteria and grabs a tray.  As he makes his way down the line he glances around and of course he sees no one that he recognizes.  He gets his food and gives the cashier his meal ticket and she stamps it and he moves on.  He makes his way over to the beverage center and gets bumped by a heavy set white male who didn’t even acknowledge his presence.  Tommy stands there and watches the man cut in front of him to the beverage center.  Tommy can see the white male has big arms, but no define muscles can be seen and only one tattoo on his right arm of a red horse with no rider.

TOMMY: Excuse me, sir, but I was next.

WHITE MALE: Turns his head and looks at Tommy with his mouth twisted up in the corner and one eye partially squinted.  You can wait!

TOMMY: I was next in line for my drink.  How can you just bump in line and think that you can do what you want?

WHITE MALE: Oh, and what are you gonna do about it?

TOMMY: Before he answered he thought better of it and looked down at his food and thought would it be worth getting in trouble for.  Nothing, I’ll just wait until you are finished.

The white male finished getting his two cups of beverages and then Tommy gets his and finds a seat.  He says his grace over his food and starts to eat when another male came down and sat next to him.

JAKE: I wouldn’t worry about that fat slob of a man.

TOMMY: It’s not worth me getting in trouble for.

JAKE: His name is John Masters and he is considered the bully here at the Homeless Shelter.

TOMMY: Why is he still here?

JAKE: He’s been following the rules of looking for a job and stuff, but apparently his mother works here.  So you know that gives him a little more immunity than others.

TOMMY: Really?  That doesn’t seem fair at all.  What’s his deal?

JAKE: He’s from Los Angeles, California and once the attacks happened his neighborhood along with most of the city was destroyed.  His mom was working here anyway when the attacks happened so she just invited him in.

TOMMY: Lucky him.  I’m Tommy.

JAKE: I’m Jake, nice to meet you.  Where are you from?

TOMMY: I’m from North New Jersey, which is where I was when all this happened.  Do you know exactly what happened?

JAKE: No.  I’m still trying to find out answers myself, but it appears that it is a secret.  Less than a year after all this happened we are now considered residents of the Pacific West Territories?

TOMMY: When did that happen?  My girlfriend and I were shipped from Maryland to Phoenix from some military base.

JAKE: All I know is that about a week after the attacks happen each senator from California, Nevada, Arizona, Washington, and Oregon came on radio and declared a state of emergency for the pacific west region.  Then right after that things just took a turn in another direction.

TOMMY: Go on.

JAKE: You would see the military out in the streets, but no US flag was seen on the uniform.  The portion of the uniform that would say the country’s name was missing until a few weeks ago.  They say we are still part of the United States, but considered a territory.  Think about that one.

TOMMY: What about the President?

JAKE: The President of the United States has been in negotiations with many states to be patient and wait for federal aid, but apparently that is beginning to fall through the cracks.

TOMMY: How many more states are considering going their separate ways?

JAKE: I don’t know anything about states trying to secede, but I do know that it is said that the president is hiding somewhere in the Midwest.

TOMMY: How do you know all of this in the first place?

JAKE: Let’s just say I have connections outside trying to give me information to better equip myself.

TOMMY: What are you planning to do?

JAKE: Take a look around, Tommy.  Do you still see a democracy in control?  I see an anarchy government attempting to take over and run things in a way that gives us fewer rights.

TOMMY: How so?

JAKE: Looks at Tommy as if he is for real.  Remember the Constitution, which the government is in fear of its people.  Not the other way around.  We heard that the east part of the country suffered worse damage than us here in the west.  You would know that.

TOMMY: What I know is that Baltimore is completely destroyed and militia groups all over the place out there.  I know that our nation’s capitol is surrounded by military and police and under restricted access.

JAKE: How’d you and your girlfriend get here then?

TOMMY: We were just walking looking for anyone to help us and we encountered a military base that was housing other civilians as well.  We had no radio or television, except for a few moments.

JAKE: Your part of the mystery brother.  Everyone has been acting like it’s all good and nothing happened.  Some of us are trying to find out the truth and see who is responsible for alternating our lives in an instant.

TOMMY: Knowing how the government is I can almost guarantee that what you are looking for is sealed under lock and key and probably under some code.

JAKE: Not everything is under secret codes.  Apparently, there is a building in Sacramento that houses some of the government documents.

TOMMY: How do you know that this building exists and contain such things?

JAKE: My fiancée works there in Sacramento and visits me here at least twice a week.  Once I’m cleared I can join up with her and work part-time for the government.

TOMMY: Okay, I think I’m following you here.  How do you plan on exposing this government conspiracy or this plan of yours in exposing this out to the public?

JAKE: I never said I had a plan, Tommy.  You assumed I had a plan.  I’m just telling you what I know and where the information is. He finishes his food and leaves the dining hall.

Tommy sits there watching Jake disappear around the corner and then gets up himself.  He goes to the career center and waits for a computer to open up so he can begin to apply for jobs.

“SHOOTING STAR” Chapter XVIII – New Beginning

LOCATION: Pacific West Territories

Tommy and Sandra were released from police custody once it was determined that their safety was no longer in jeopardy.  They met with the inspector once more who gave them information on how to become citizens of the new sovereign nation and a pamphlet on new laws and how to get started in living a new life.  As you can imagine they were both confused on the information they were being given by the police official, but they didn’t want to be in his presence any longer so no questions were asked.  They left the police station at the airport and got a taxi ride, which was paid for by the police department, to a building in downtown Phoenix that houses homeless individuals that have been selected through a process.  In order for the homeless man or woman to stay in the building and maintain their residency in downtown Phoenix, they must be consistently looking for a job and report that to the staff, if selected for a job they must report that to the staff and they are given three months to find residence elsewhere, and if any house rules are broken more than three times within a one year period that individual’s residency could be terminated and asked to vacate the premises a week from notification or put on housing probation, where if you are found guilty in violating your probation you may be asked to vacate the premises and fined by the staff.

As Tommy and Sandra enter the building, that stands about 16 stories tall and the exterior built out of cobblestone, they get in line that leads from the inside to the exterior on the sidewalk.  They wait in line for approximately 10 minutes and once they make it to the front door that is propped open by a door stopper Tommy looks to his left and notices something.  He bumps Sandra on the arm, who is standing behind him with his elbow and points it out to her without drawing attention from anyone else.  She looks at what he is pointing at and she sees the police officer standing approximately 10 feet away dressed in black tactical pants, grey tactical style blouse, and has an automatic machine gun slung around his shoulder.  The police officer stands there wearing a black baseball style cap with the police insignia subdued.  As he turns toward the front of the line that is at the registration desk Tommy and Sandra notices his patch on the right shoulder.  Tommy tries to lean forward to see what it says, but can’t quite read it.  Then some type of disturbance is happening behind them and the police officer immediately goes over to squash a dispute between two men.

Sandra turns around trying not to be too obvious and can see the patch on the left shoulder as well.  The patch on the left shoulder has a flag, but does not resemble any state that is in the region nor does it resemble the United States flag of the red, white, and blue.  The flag is red, with a yellow symbol of a sun in the middle, and a white cross with the lines going north and south to the end of the flag, and going east and west to the end of the flag.  Tommy and Sandra both look at each other with a confused look on their face and then another police officer walks up to speak to the officer dealing with the disturbance.  Both police officers end up standing next to Tommy and Sandra speaking to each other, but only in whispers so no one else can understand their secret conversation.  Tommy only had a few seconds to take a peak at the patch on the other officer’s right shoulder and was able to make out what it was.  The patch on the right shoulder was in a circle, with the portion between the exterior of the circle and the inner circle being blue, with the words inside the blue in white stating “PACIFIC WEST TERRITORIES” on the north end of the circle and at the south end of the circle it stated in white “POLICE”.  Inside the inner circle were red and yellow stripes going in a vertical direction from left to right.

Tommy was surprised to see what he saw and Sandra turned around and saw that the line was moving and a huge space between Tommy and the registration table.  She pushed him along and pointed and he looked back at her as to why are you pushing me.  They get up to the registration table and are asked for ID and their social security number.  They produce their high school ID to the person and give their social security number as well.  The person at the registration table looks at the high school ID’s and begins to compare the picture and the real-life face of them.  The person looks at both of them and then the picture and states that they must have had a hard life in the past few months.  They get pushed on to the next person down the table who gives them a set of forms, which one pertains to the house rules of the building and one for them both to fill out with personal information.  They were to return that piece of paper with their personal information later on at dinner time.  Tommy looked at the clock in the lobby, which was behind an old registration table stating 12:30pm.  Tommy and Sandra then are given two keys to their room assignment, which is on the 10th floor.  The keys they are given resemble hotel keys, which makes them believe that the building is an old hotel.

They get their keys and go to the elevator, which when it opens has a security personnel on each one.  The get on the elevator along with three others and ride it up to the 8th, 9th, and then 10th floors.  They got off of the elevator and got to their room and opened the door.  Once inside they threw their stuff on the bed and fell on top of the sheets on their backs.  Being exhausted from their travels and their encounter at the airport they almost immediately fall asleep, but Tommy sits up on the edge of the bed.  He looks towards the television and sees a daily schedule of times for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snacks on top of the television posted to a stand.  He then goes to the window and opens the curtains and sees the landscape below them towards the horizon.  He touches the window and feels that it is warm from the sun beaming down on it with its rays.  He sees a few police vehicles go by the hotel with lights and sirens blaring as they respond to an emergency.  Sandra gets up after waking up from her brief power nap and approaches Tommy.  She puts her hand on the small of his back and looks out towards the city landscape as well.  She looks down and can see people still coming into the building by the line they were once in.  She steps away from the window and sits back down on the bed and starts crying.  Tommy doesn’t hear her at first, but then hears her sniffing and turns around and sees her on the floor in front of the bed in tears.

He walks over to her to comfort her as he sits down on the floor with her and holds her in his arms with his back leaning up against the foot of the bed.  He buries his face in her hair as she is crying and he starts to shed a few tears as well as reality has begun to really hit them that everything before is now just a memory.

“SHOOTING STAR” Chapter XVII – New Life (II)

The injuries that Tommy suffered in the short altercation with those two strange men were not as bad as it looked at the moment it happened.  All he needed was a few stitches to close up the wound and a long piece gauze to cover the wound from irritation.  Just as the inspector instructed one of his subordinates once they were cleared through medical they were transported to his office for further questioning.  Once they arrived at the inspector’s office they were directed into take a seat.  Just as they entered the office, Tommy was in front of Sandra, the first thing he saw was all the awards and certificates posted on the wall in the office.  He was amazed at the amount of awards he saw and looked to his left toward the inspector’s desk and saw trophies standing tall behind his chair on a shelf hanging from the wall.  Sandra was also amazed and had her eyes posted on a figurine that was standing on a shelf that was just behind the door.  It was a red figurine of a woman on her knees with her hands together as if she was praying to God in the sky through the ceiling.

The two uniformed officers left the office and closed the door once Tommy and Sandra took a seat.  Tommy and Sandra continued to look around the office and didn’t say a word to each other during this alone period.  Tommy then leaned back in his chair, kind of slouching, with his hands on his knees and let out a big sigh.  Sandra was still amazed at the amount of stuff in the office and glanced at the huge stack of papers on the desk, with some in files and some loose all around.  Again, her attention drew towards the red figurine on the shelf behind the door and stared at it for a few seconds before removing her eyes from it.  She then leaned back in her chair and almost repeated what Tommy did, but got curious when she saw a police report on the desk directly in front of her.  She leaned back forward to look at it and she then picked it up to read it and a few lines down the paper she decided to share it with Tommy.  She read halfway down the page and then Tommy took it from her and made a face as to say to himself what in the world was he reading.  Sandra continues to look around the desk, but careful not to move anything that would let the inspector know that his desk was compromised.

Tommy gets discussed with the report he is reading about a woman and her baby being kidnapped from the airport two days prior and throws it back on the inspector’s desk.  He follows the paper as it floats through the air for a few seconds and watches it land on top of a newspaper.  He sees that the newspaper is folded under the report he just read, but something about it is different from any other newspapers he has seen.  He leans forward and sees that the date of the paper was just showing above the police report and sees that the article written is in red, not black ink.  He looks at the door and Sandra, who is not paying attention to what he is doing because she keeps looking at that same figurine.  Tommy reaches over on the desk and picks up the newspaper to further investigate it and to his amazement he is surprised to see what is printed on it.  The title across the top of the newspaper, after he unfolded it, stated “NEW CURRENCY, WESTERN REGION” in big bold font.  He continues to read the newspaper, with his mouth open wide in astonishment.  He looks down at the article printed in red and glances at it’s title named “U.S. Currency Phasing Out?”  Once he gets about halfway down the article he taps Sandra on the shoulder and whispers her name, but she doesn’t budge.  He attempts to gain her attention two more times by saying her name louder in a whisper, but by the time she turns around the door knob turns and Tommy quickly throws the paper on the floor at his feet.

The inspector walks in with a cup of coffee in his hand and another newspaper in his other hand.  He smiles at them as he enters the room and goes over to his desk and sits in his chair letting out a sigh.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Takes a sip of his coffee and starts talking to them after he is done.  I hope my officers and staff alike have treated you with respect and decency?

SANDRA: Yes, they have sir.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Good, good that is what I like to hear about our people.  Before hand we had issues with witnesses and victims being treated as if it was their fault for being involved in crimes against them.  Has anyone offered you two anything to drink?

TOMMY & SANDRA: Both shake their heads side to side saying no.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Oh, would you both like anything to drink as we talk?

SANDRA: I would like to have some soda.

TOMMY: Water is good for me, thanks.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Smiles and pushes a button on his phone to inform the secretary of their requests and she acknowledges.  He leans back putting on his glasses and grabs a police report out of a folder that was on his desk.  How are you feeling now, Mr. Harrison?

TOMMY: I’m feeling fine, sir.  Thanks for asking.

POLICE INSPECTOR: I imagine you was quite terrified that you was going to be injured a lot worse when those men began pursuing you?

TOMMY: I didn’t know what they were going to do to us and who they were.  Apparently, we needed documentation to enter or to leave the airport and we thought they were there for that.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Ah, I see.  Why didn’t you have your documents to enter?

SANDRA: We never received them from our last location.  We were just given an invoice to travel with.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Do you have the invoice with you now?

TOMMY: Yes, I have it.

POLICE INSPECTOR: May I see it please?

TOMMY: He pulls out the invoice from his back pocket and hands it to the inspector all wrinkled up with fold creases in it.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Ahh.  You didn’t get it stamped at the immigration desk.

SANDRA: The officer there wouldn’t do anything, but kept saying that we needed to fill out these documents to enter pass him. She hands the documents to the inspector as if he doesn’t know what she is referring to.

POLICE INSPECTOR: I see what occurred now.  Those two strange men you was running from prey on people that are not from this area and they have been known to attack and kill young adults.

TOMMY: So those two men were trying to kill us?

POLICE INSPECTOR: We suspect that they had a motivation in doing things like that and we have been suspecting for some time that they have an inside contact working with immigration.

SANDRA: I have a question about that.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Takes a couple of sips from his warm coffee and gulps deeply.  Sure, what is your question?

SANDRA: Before we were able to travel with just a driver’s license or some type of ID.  Now we need to have documentation, such like an immigration visa.  Why was things changed?

POLICE INSPECTOR: He looks at both of them as to say with his eyes where are you from.  He catches himself and retracts his look.  You are definitely not from here with that question.

TOMMY: We have been held on a military base away from society for several months and we didn’t have type of media coverage for anything.  So please give us an idea of what happened.

POLICE INSPECTOR: He sighs slowly and leans forward with his hands interlocked on the desk.  Looks at them in the eyes and responds.  Most of what happened no one really knows, but we all know that life was different from the moment the attacks happened.  Martial Law was declared in all the pacific west states and it just slowly spread throughout the nation.  Soon the Midwest, such as Missouri and Kansas were considered disaster areas and the military was sent in to squash any opposition.

TOMMY: We have no clue who coordinated the attacks?

POLICE INSPECTOR: We don’t have the answer, but somewhere in California, maybe Los Angeles or Sacramento, there is an agency that keeps everything pertaining to the attacks under lock and key.

SANDRA: How do you know that they are keeping this a secret?

POLICE INSPECTOR: There was a protest one day in front of the main gate to the installation.  Some were arrested and put in federal prison away from the general population.

TOMMY: Leans forward to get closer to the inspector.  Who is this agency?  Why do they exist?

POLICE INSPECTOR: Before he could answer the door opens after a quick knock.  It was a police officer bringing them their beverages.  Once they received their beverages the inspector answered the question kind of evasively.  This agency controls all the media and what goes out to the public on a daily basis.  That’s all I can give you at the moment.

TOMMY: Leans back and looks at Sandra in a disappointment look.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Goes back to the report that was written about them being pursued and attacked.  You have never seen these men before?

SANDRA: No, we have never seen them before.

TOMMY: We just got here and new to the area so obviously we don’t know them.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Ignores the sarcastic comment from Tommy.  Did the men say anything to you from the time you saw them up until we showed up?


POLICE INSPECTOR: Did you see them on the plane or did anything seem suspicious during your travels?

SANDRA: No, sir.  We saw nothing that would spark our attention.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Okay. Puts the report back in his folder and puts the folder on his desk.  Do you two have a place to stay?

TOMMY: We were going to stay in the airport and take residence there.  No, we have no place to stay, sir.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Once again ignores the sarcastic comment from Tommy and saw Sandra stomping on Tommy’s foot.  Well, my officers will take you to a hotel on the other end of the airport and I will take care of your documents.  We welcome you to the Pacific West Terroritories. The inspector gets up and walks towards the door.

Tommy quickly reaches down and grab the newspaper, he dropped, off the floor and tucked it inside his pants and pulled his shirt over it.  The inspector led them outside and called over two police officers to escort them to a hotel on the other side of the airport.  Once the officers took Tommy and Sandra and started walking down the stairs, the inspector walked over to the secretary and handed her their invoice.  Tommy could hear and read his lips that they will get their invoice back later at the hotel.  The secretary stamps it and at that point Tommy lost sight of the secretary since he was going down the steps towards the front of the police station.  A police vehicle was awaiting them and another one behind that one with their luggage placed in the back.  Tommy was kind of thrown off by the almost VIP service they were getting from the authorities and they were just teenagers.

On their way to the hotel Tommy and Sandra engage in a brief, but serious conversation.

SANDRA: You can be an ass, you know that?

TOMMY: What are you talking about?

SANDRA: Your smart ass comments to the police that’s what.

TOMMY: Sandra, I have been trying to figure what is going on since all of this happened.  I don’t see you taking the initiative in trying to figure out what happened.

SANDRA: This situation is a hell of a lot bigger than us trying to figure out.  Let all of this be investigated by the authorities, that’s their job.

TOMMY: What are you scared of?  The truth?  I’m sorry that I am aggressive in trying to know what happened, but that seems to be the only way for us to even get answers around here.

SANDRA: You think you can be a little bit more respectful in doing so.  Maybe I have accepted this new life we are in and I think it is time you do as well.

TOMMY: Not until I find out what happened.

SANDRA: Oh yea?  What happened with you and that guy when you two disappeared for a period of time?  What happened there?

TOMMY: He turns his head looking outside the window of their rear seat of the cruiser.  I don’t want to talk about that. He answered her in a voice of disappointment and as if she offended his sensibility.

Sandra looks at him as he is looking out the window and sighs quietly.  She turns her head back towards her window and looks out watching the airplanes taking off and landing.  They finally arrive at the hotel and the police officers open the back doors for them to get out.  Tommy gets out and looks up at the name of the hotel and sees that it is called the ‘International Hotel’.  They attempt to gain possession of their bags, but the police officer with them lets them know that they will carry the bags for them.  All they have to do is go to the front desk and give their name and get their room key.  Once that was done they get on the elevator and arrive to the tenth floor of the hotel.  Once they got off the elevator Tommy went directly to the room, which was 10100, but Sandra was looking out the window that was directly down the hall shining in the bright sunlight on to the carpeted floor.  Tommy entered the room and one of the police officers got her attention and guided her into the room and turned on the lights.

Tommy saw two queen size beds with complimentary gift baskets that contained chocolate and other goodies inside.  He goes over closer and picks one up and shows Sandra and she smiles and grabs the other off the other bed.  Then the other police officers came up with their bags and informed Tommy and Sandra of the arrangements.

POLICE OFFICER: Welcome to the Pacific West Terroritories.  I am to brief you on the arrangements that was set-up for your stay.  You are to stay in this hotel for at least three days while things are being worked out for your residence here in our commonwealth.  Since you was a victim of a crime and visitors we will have a police officer stationed in the hotel in the lobby at all times.  One will also be on the floor at all times to make sure your safety is our concern.  Once you check-out of the hotel later this week you will then be given information for first time visitors and residence in this great land.  Again, we apologize for your troubles and you are currently under police watch until you are suitable to be on your own with no danger.

SANDRA: Do you do this to everyone that this happens too?

POLICE OFFICER: No, ma’am we don’t do this to everyone, but for some reason the inspector wanted to make sure that your safety here is protected.

The police officer leaves the hotel room and closes the door behind him.  Sandra turns around and looks at Tommy and walks up to him to give him a hug.  He wraps his arms around her and hold her tight in his arms as if he was not going to see her for a very long time.  They stand their in the middle of the room in each others arms saying no words.

NEXT PUBLICATION:  April 1, 2010

“SHOOTING STAR” Chapter XVI – New Life

Location: Pacific West Territories

The time has come where Tommy, Sandra, Greg, and Cindy all meet one last time before they are shipped out.  Greg and Cindy have packed their bags and are headed out to the airport to catch a flight to Miami, Florida.  All four say their final good-byes to each other and even some tears were shed from Cindy to Sandra.  About a week later, Tommy and Sandra had their bags packed and began to get ready for their journey to the Pacific West Coast.  Just like other people they said their good-byes to others on the base that filled the void for that short week that Greg and Cindy were gone.  Tommy and Sandra along with others grabbed their bags and hopped on to a military troop transport style vehicle and off they went to the airport to catch their flight to Phoenix, Arizona.

Once they arrive at the airport, which is just outside of the nation’s capital, they check in their bags and go to the terminal awaiting their flight.  They sit down in the cold hard plastic chairs with other people awaiting a flight to Phoenix as well.  Sandra puts her hand on Tommy’s knee, as she is sitting to the right of him, and smiles at him looking him in the eyes.  He looks at her back and takes his arm and puts it around the back of her neck and that makes her lean into him.  Her head rests on his shoulder and she tucks her arms up underneath herself as if she is cold and attempts to relax.  At this point an old man, who looks to be in his 60’s, walks pass them from behind and sits down with two seats in between him and Tommy.  Tommy glances over at the old man for a few seconds, as he did everyone going past them, and looks at his clothes.  Tommy notices in a few seconds that the old man is wearing a brown coat, black slacks, black dress shoes, with dark brown socks showing, and looks to be a white oxford dress shirt.  The old man had mostly white and grey hairs infiltrating his beard and mustache on his face, but it looked like he attempted to cover that up with hair color, but was unsuccessful.

Tommy turns his head back towards Sandra kissing her on the top of her head and turns back towards the old man.  The old man was not there and for a moment it seemed as if he disappeared into thin air.  Tommy looked around in all directions and even attempted to look behind him without disturbing Sandra’s rest.  He turns back and looks at the ticket counter that they have to pass before entering the plane and he remembers that he will need the invoice in order to get on.  He reaches into his jacket pocket with his other free hand and pulls out the invoice for both of them and puts it back into his jacket pocket.  He leans his head on top of her head and smelling her hair as if an aroma was coming off that attracted his attention.  He then realized that he might look crazy doing that so he stopped and turned his head around and the old man was back in the chair, but this time with only one chair separating them both.  He sees the old man sitting there reading the local newspaper, which looked very thick and full of information.  He attempts to read some of the articles without drawing attention from the old man, but the old man was sharp.

OLD MAN: What’s up, son?  You trying to read without me knowing?

TOMMY: Ummm…no……..well I noticed that the paper is pretty thick.  Full of information and stories of what’s going on?

OLD MAN: Stories of what’s going on?  You haven’t been keeping up with the news of the whole situation, son?

TOMMY: At this point Tommy notices the man heavy country accent.  Where we were we didn’t have television, radio, or anything to keep us on current events.  This is out first time out amongst the people for nearly 7 months.

OLD MAN: So you absolutely know nothing of what is going on? Talks to himself, but speaks out loud.  I tell you the youngsters nowadays don’t know anything of what is going on in the world today.

TOMMY: Can you be so kind as to tell us what is going on?  Like I said we have been secluded from society for months now.

OLD MAN: Since the attacks a lot has been going on around here and country.  Not to mention around the world with other NATO countries.  The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been turned over to the locals, who seem to be loosing ground against their enemies.

TOMMY: What about our president?

OLD MAN: No one has seen that man in month’s son.  We all know that he went into hiding and know that he is alive, but nothing from him.  Since the attacks a lot of our communications were destroyed and damaged.  The president has been apparently reaching through his advisors, who in turn share information with the media and then the media to us.

TOMMY: How does the President of the United States abandon his people at the time of need?

OLD MAN: You need to know one thing, son.  It’s not abandonment that has occurred it is a matter of personal security and knowing the threat that we face.  Not even the Pentagon knows exactly what happen, but then again they apparently have some evidence that could share light on this whole thing.  That is why I am heading to Phoenix, Arizona.  To get out of this hell hole.

TOMMY: Were going because that is what our invoice says.

OLD MAN: Turns around and looks at Tommy dead in the eyes with his reply.  Invoice?  Did you just say invoice, son?

TOMMY: Yeah, is that a problem?

OLD MAN: Usually people with invoices are the one’s that were in camps.

TOMMY: Yeah, remember I said we have been away from society for months and have no clue of what is taking place.

OLD MAN: Leans in forward closer to Tommy.  I wouldn’t be announcing that to loud if I was you.  It’s being a rumor that mostly everyone in camps may have something to do with the situation we are in now.

TOMMY: What the hell?  We are not involved in anyway.  We were attacked by some group called the New White Order and then snatched up by the military when we were walking towards the base for help.

OLD MAN: The old man sighs slightly and leans back up and sits up right in his chair looking at his newspaper.  You’ll love the Pacific West Territories from what I hear.  Clean, nice, and plenty of opportunities to relive your life.  I wish the best for you and your friend there.

Sandra wakes up and starts to move slowly and then raises her head, stretching her arms out.  She attempts to get her eyes together and looks at Tommy, with a smile and touches his hand.  Tommy runs his finger through her hair and attempts to introduce her to the old man.

TOMMY: Hey Sandra I want you meet someone.

SANDRA: Who is that?

TOMMY: He turns around to face the old man at the same time he is speaking.  This man right he…………………..where did he go?

SANDRA: Where did who go, Tommy?  I didn’t see anyone.

TOMMY: He looks at her still in slight amazement of how quickly the old man vanished once again.  I was speaking to someone sitting next to me explaining to me what things have been going on since the attacks.  He was right here.

SANDRA: Well, he’s not there now and you my friend need to get some sleep yourself.  That will be the first thing on our list when we arrive in Phoenix.

The announcement of the flight boarding comes over the speaker and then again in Spanish and French.  Everyone that is getting on the plane stands up and attempts to form a line.  Tommy and Sandra gather up their carry-on bag and he keeps looking around for the old man, but doesn’t see him.  They get in line, which goes out from the ticket desk into the pathway of people trying to walk to their terminal as well.  When the time comes for him to show their invoice Tommy pulls out, which he thought was an invoice for them both, turned out to be two tickets.  Tommy becomes stunned and so does Sandra, who was about to ask, but was cut off by Tommy and they went onto the plane.  Sandra asked Tommy what happen to their invoice and he searches his pocket and finds them.  He tells Sandra that the old men referred to people having invoices are usually the ones that were in camps.  Also he went on to tell her that most of the people in the camps are being blamed for the attacks happening.  She looks at Tommy with a ‘oh my God!’ look and brushes her hair.

They get on the plane and sit down in the seats where the tickets had them, not the invoice, seated.  Tommy takes the aisle seat as he let Sandra have the window seat.  Once everyone was onboard the plane and the pilots had clearance to take off they began taxing down the runway.  Tommy is holding on to their carry-on luggage and places it on the floor between him and Sandra.  He reaches over to grab her hand as she does the same thing and they smile at each other as the plane picks up speed going down the runway.  The plane takes off and then reality hits Sandra, as the air pressure starts to make her feel light headed, that a new life was just on the horizon for them both.  She looks down to the ground out of the plane window and she watches as they get higher and higher in the clouds.  She waves down to the people below as if she was waving to a particular person who she may not see again.

Several hours later the announcement comes over the speaker:

ALPHA AIRLINES: Hello again everyone, this is your captain speaking, we are about 30 minutes out of Phoenix and we ask that you return to your seats and put on your seatbelts.  It is about 55 degrees right now in Phoenix, Arizona and possibly thunder showers later on in the evening.  For the next four days it will be sunny and bright temperatures from the low 40’s to mid 50’s.  Our staff would like to say thank you for flying with Alpha Airlines and hope you enjoy your stay.  We have crossed over into the Pacific West Terroritories airspace so make sure you have your proper documentation before entering.

Tommy, not hearing the last statement made, looks at Sandra and give each other a hug saying to each other that they made it.  The life they knew before on the east coast was in the past and they wanted to start a new life.  The plane landed and rolled into the terminal docking with the air walkway.  Once they were given clearance to off board the plane, Tommy grabs his carry-on and allows Sandra to walk in front of him.  Sandra walks off in front of him with a huge grin on her face periodically looking back at Tommy as he smiles back carrying their bag on his back.  They follow everyone else through the terminal down the hallways and to the luggage receiver.  After a few minutes of waiting Tommy looks across and sees two white men, one wearing a racing jacket looking directly at them.  That makes him feel very comfortable and doesn’t alert Sandra to the situation as he doesn’t want to ruin her joy of being in a safe area.  Tommy glances up at them every so often and plays it off pretty well to Sandra, to where she has no clue of what is taking place.

They see their bags come around the conveyor belt and grab them with ease and start heading towards the booth to exit the airport.  They reach the booth and they are asked to show documentation of entry.

TOMMY: What documentation of entry?  I’m a citizen of the U.S.  I don’t need to show documentation to gain entry.  I just show you my ID and that’s it.

AGENT: Where are you coming from?

TOMMY: East coast, Washington, D.C.

AGENT: So you must have documentation to gain entry.

SANDRA: Excuse me, what kind of documentation are you referring to?

AGENT: Reaches down underneath into a shelf and pulls out a sample form and hands it to them.  You need that to gain entry.  Right now I need you out of the line so I can let these people through.

TOMMY: He rolls his eyes and both of them leave the line and find a seat.

SANDRA: Why wouldn’t they give us documentation to gain entry?  They know we need it.

TOMMY: Leans forward rubbing his hands together and sees the two white men once again.  This time they are across from them sitting in chairs as the crowds of people go in between them.  Umm…How do we apply for the papers?

SANDRA: We have to visit the immigration office near the food court.  Apparently, we are entering into the sovereignty of the Pacific West Terroritories.

TOMMY: What do you mean by that?

SANDRA: It’s like us entering into another country.

TOMMY: What the hell? Oh man! Okay, where is the food court?

SANDRA: It’s about five minutes down the hallway away from the terminal.  We can talk to someone there and hope they can help us.

TOMMY: Okay, let’s do that then.  Maybe we can get some food because that airline food was not the business. As he gathers up the bags he sees that the two white men are still staring at them and watches them as they walk away.  At this point he still hasn’t alerted Sandra yet to this.

They continue to walk down towards the food court through the airport and Tommy glances back a few times and see the men following them.  He tells Sandra to pick up the pace a little bit, but she is trying to see what the hurry is.  The men pick up their pace as well to keep up and making their way through the crowds at the airport.  Tommy and Sandra finally make it at the immigration booth, but the two white men didn’t stop and kept on coming towards them.  Their eyes locked on them like heat seeking missiles following a fighter jet through the sky before destroying it.  Tommy’s eyes get big and his heart starts to race a little fast and Sandra looks at him wondering why he is acting so strange.  The men continue to come and just before reaching them they get cut-off by a group of Asian tourists.  That is when Tommy grabs Sandra by the arm yanking her out of the line and she yells at him that he is hurting her.  She hits him on the arm that is grabbing her over and over to have him let go.  He finally lets go after he drags her into a corner looking to see where the men are.

SANDRA: What the hell is your problem, Tommy?!

TOMMY: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this, but we are being followed by two white men since we got off the plane.

SANDRA: What are you talking about?  No one is following us, Tommy.  You’re just paranoid because of what we have been through.

TOMMY: I would like to think that, but that is not the case. Before he could finish he sentence he turns around and sees the two men coming for them.  There they are!  Let’s go!

SANDRA: She looks at them and sees the evil in their eyes and takes off running with Tommy through the airport.

The bags they are carrying are weighing them down and causing them to move slowly.  The men see them running and split up in going after them while people in the airport look at them wondering what’s going on.  Tommy and Sandra stay together around every turn and find themselves in a hallway leading to who knows where.  They get about halfway down the hallway and when they turn around one of the men is blocking their escape.  They turn back around and head in the direction they were headed and the other one block their escape route as well.  They drop their bags and Tommy yells at them asking what do they want from them.  Neither one answers as they both approach closer to them, which at this time Sandra is crying out of fear.  Tommy keeps looking behind him and in front of them freaking out because they can’t escape.  Tommy faces the man with the racing jacket and puts Sandra behind him.  The men stop and both pull out knives as the light from the ceiling in the hallway reflects off the blades.

The man with the racing jacket lounged at Tommy slicing his chest.  Sandra yells and turns around at the guy behind her, which now they have their backs to each other.  The guy facing Sandra reaches up to come down at her, but gets tased from behind and drops the knife.  The other guy stops and looks up at the lady, who tased his partner, and see that she is wearing a police uniform.  He drops the knife and attempts to escape, but was tased by the police waiting at the other end of the hall.  Both men were arrested on the spot and the police officers approached Tommy and Sandra, who were holding each other as Tommy bleeds from the chest.  The inspector on scene is the white man with the long tan trench coat.  He yells down the hallway to the police officers standing with them, ‘Take them to medical and then once they are done have them wait in my office!’  The police officers grab their bags and escort them to medical where they will be treated for any injuries and speak to a medical professional.  Tommy and Sandra are placed in the back of a carrier, big enough to hold four people in the back, with four wheels and plastic doors and windows.  They sit in the back with two other officers sitting across from each other, which one handed Sandra gauze and some medical tape to seal up the wound in his chest.  She seals it and they lean their foreheads on each other and closing their eyes.